BJ Cantlupe

A Musician's Journey in Web Development

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I Failed My Technical Interview and That's OK

So I just had my first experience in a technical interview situation, and it didn’t go too well. Alright, I’ll admit it: it wasn’t a real interview. I scheduled a mock technical interview with Skilled Inc, a company that provides very real interview experiences with valuable feedback. In my case, the feedback was “you’re not ready.”

YT Tutorial Dashboard: React/Redux and Rails

I am excited to announce my most challenging and ambitious project for the Flatiron School’s Full-Stack Web Development program: YouTube Tutorial Dashboard! This project is split up into two separate repositories:

Flash Cards Rails App: Adding a jQuery Front End

This past week was spent building on my last project for the Learn-Verified program. My Flash Cards app just got a fancy jQuery upgrade!

Rails Portfolio Project: Flash Cards

My latest project for the Flatiron School’s online verified program is complete! This is my most feature-filled application to date, and it was definitely the most fun to work on. Ok, let’s get into it!

Sinatra Project - Concertz - part 3

This is part 3 of a multi-part series. If you haven’t already, check out parts 1 and 2.