Building Mobile Automations

Posted by BeejLuig on June 18, 2017

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For a long time, I have held an intense fascination with automation, particularly with mobile devices. We carry these little supercomputers in our pockets, why not use them to solve every-day problems for us? My favorite part of using automation apps is that we don’t need to wait around for someone else to create solutions; we can do it ourselves! Even with a basic understanding of low-level programming concepts, we can create some powerful automations with little to no coding skills.

In this post, I want to share some of my favorite creations using the android app Automate. Automate has a flowchart interface for building practical and beautiful automations. Each block in the flowchart represents a trigger or action. If you are an android user looking to get into creating automations, I highly recommend this app. The documentation is fantastic, and if you don’t know where to start, this is a vast community of users who share their creations.

Below are some of my best Automate projects, with brief descriptions and flowchart images.

Touchless Audio Control - 1,789 downloads

Use the proximity sensor to control your audio player with touchless gestures.

Touchless audio control

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Ok Google: Parking - 653 downloads

Use Google Now voice commands to save and retrieve your parking location.

Ok Google: Parking

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Schedule SMS - 3,881 downloads

Schedule a text to be sent sometime in the future.

Schedule SMS

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Smart SMS Reminder - 102 downloads

Set a delay and get reminders for received texts

Smart SMS Reminder

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Weekly SMS backup - 202 downloads

Get a weekly email digest of your received text messages.

Weekly SMS backup

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Music Theory: Chord Lookup - 255 downloads

Get info about basic chords, just type a chord name and press “OK”.

Music Theory: Chord Lookup

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Text Bot - 625 downloads

Personalized text bot that responds automatically to preset phrases. Keep your friends and family in the loop without looking at your phone.

Text Bot

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Password Manager - unpublished

Store, manage and recall passwords with a gesture

Password Manager

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Thanks for reading! If you have questions or comments, you can find me on Twitter, LinkedIn, or just email me.