YT Tutorial Dashboard: React/Redux and Rails

Posted by BeejLuig on May 1, 2017

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I am excited to announce my most challenging and ambitious project for the Flatiron School’s Full-Stack Web Development program: YouTube Tutorial Dashboard! This project is split up into two separate repositories:

YTTD homepage


You may be familiar with tutorial websites like or Those sites provide fantastic interfaces for keeping track of your progress within a series of videos. YouTube has a wealth of tutorial videos, but there isn’t a way to keep track of your progress with them.

The purpose of YT Tutorial Dashboard is to strip away all of the distractions from YouTube and provide a clean interface to interact with tutorial playlists that you choose.

Signing up/Logging In

On the back end, sign up/login and refresh authentication is done using the jwt gem. On the front end, form validations are performed by redux form and redirects by React Router.

Login error

Form validation

Adding a Video

For the sake of ease, I opted not to build out a search function using the YouTube Data API. Instead, you find the playlist you are looking for through YouTube, and copy/paste the URL of the playlist, or just the playlist ID. The playlist id follows the word “list” in a YouTube URL, like this: list=PLoYCgNOIyGADILc3iUJzygCqC8Tt3bRXt. Playlist IDs can be found in the URL of a playlist or a video within a playlist.

Adding a playlist URL

New playlist modal

The Dashboard

The dashboard shows a list of added playlists, represented as collapsed cards. Clicking on the card opens some basic information.


For more detailed information, click the “Stats” button.

Stats modal

Watching Videos

Clicking the “Watch” button takes you to the “watch” view. The YouTube video embed component is from react-youtube. To the right of the embedded video is a panel with a list of videos in the active playlist. Completed videos have a green dot next to their title, incomplete videos are grey. The active video has a yellow dot. Clicking the “Done with this video” button will mark the active video as complete and navigate to the next video in the playlist.

Video view

Updating Playlists

Going back to our dashboard, if you click on the “Edit” button of a playlist card, you will see an edit modal with some options. It’s pretty self-explanatory.

Edit modal


The CSS framework is built on Bulma. It was a new discovery but I loved it as an alternative to Bootstrap. I think I even like it better!

This is not my prettiest project code-wise, but it was my most ambitious, so I don’t feel so bad about it. There is a ton of room for improvement in the codebase, and I’m looking forward to going back and refactoring (after a week long beer break). My ultimate takeaway from this project is that React/Redux takes a while to get going, but it is definitely an awesome way to tackle complex front-end problems. I can’t wait to work on my next React/Redux project!

Click here to try out the app. See a usage video for YT Tutorial Dashboard below. Thanks for reading!